Oct 26, 2011

FREE Healthy Habits Activity Book from Lysol


I was at the playground yesterday (we go a lot) and noticed that the cold and flu season is definitely here and it’s really gross!  I am thrilled to see this healthy habits booklet to assist me in teaching young Bebellies that she really does need to wash her hands and “yes that slobbery little kid does look like he’s fun to play with but let’s not hold hands and then rub our eyes or pick our nose… ok?”

Please complete the online request form to order the Healthy Habits Activity Booklet mailed to you free of charge. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

This offer is only available in the US (including DC and Puerto Rico) and in Canada. In Canada, the material is available in English only but please visit www.cpha.ca or www.lysol.ca for English and French hygiene education materials.

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